
They say that alchemy is the chemistry of changing metals into gold.

And if that if you’re a magician, you can wizard ordinary materials in extraordinary ways so that you can reach immortality.

But if you’re a beautiful, warm beating heart in a mortal body, you can perform the most magical alchemy of all.

Particularly if you are one of those beautiful hearts born into a mortal child’s body into a family that beat your soul in twisted ways…

…. that caused you to curl up in a tiny, hurt, tormented cocoon…

…. and maybe your brain caused you to forget it to keep you safe…

… for decades upon decades…

…. unwilling to ever remember..

…. unwilling to do others what was done to you..

…. willing to die before you’d ever do to others what they did to you…

…. until one day, when you were finally free and safe enough to remember

….. you remembered…

…. and you swore you would flip the story…

…. and create alchemy….

…. you would do everything the opposite of what was done to you…

… ’cause you are a freakin’ wizard!…

… you are LOVE ….

Welcome to my page! I go by the name Anna. I recently discovered I have amnesia of 4 decades, and am healing from trauma, turning the script completely around, and creating alchemy as I go.

I’m so glad you stopped by!

Q: What is one way people have treated you as a child or an adult that you’ve made sure you’ve treated other people in the opposite way? _________________________________________________________

I’d love to know!